“From the time we round the corner turning into the driveway of Spillman Creek Lodge late on Thursday night to the time we leave for the Wichita airport four days later, I am always surprised by how much time slows down and I enjoy the simple things of Midwestern hospitality and an authentic outdoor shooting experience.
Merrill, Carl and the whole Spillman Creek team make me and our entire group feel special, like we are their only guests all year. I have shared this Spillman Creek experience with my son and extended family and without exception the enthusiastic approval and compliments of all ages is unanimous.
Out in the fields the friendly guides, beautiful dogs and eventful bird shooting always impresses me and refreshes my mind, body and soul. I cannot recommend a hunting and fellowship experience more highly than the Spillman Creek Lodge. I have never missed an invitation to attend our annual Spillman Creek reunion and will not miss one in the future as this pilgrimage to Denmark, Kansas is one of my most special and holy weekends all year.”
20 years coming, never missed a year

"Spillman Creek preserve simply offers superior hunting experience in a small group format. A 3-day hunt provides more bird exposure than most dogs will see in an entire season. I was initially invited for a Spillman pheasant hunt in 2000 and have returned for a hunt every year since."